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    What rules has DHL Express put in place on Tradeshift?

    377 2 Created on 2020-10-07 08:47:51; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:01:13

    DHL has put a number of invoice validation rules in place on Tradeshift. These are in addition to any content requirements by law. They support you in ensuring the electronic invoice is correct and will be processed in a timely fashion.


    • The invoice issue date must be checked and ensured to be set to the correct date.
    • All invoices must have either a valid Purchase Order number or Cost Centre at the header level or on all lines of the invoice.


    • DHL PO references: These references are issued to you by your DHL representative at the time of order placement. These references can be provided once at the invoice header level or on all lines of the invoice. The invoice lines should also indicate the applicable “PO Line Order Number”.
    • DHL Cost Centre references: when not provided with a PO a DHL Cost Centre will have been provided that needs to be reference on the invoice in the same manner as a PO.
    • Further to this, it is important to note that there are some “standard fields” on typical invoices that DHL in some cases does not receive from the Tradeshift platform (i.e. not visible in the web interface, or simply ignored in the case of EDI files); they are: 
    • Invoice due date: Invoices will always be paid based on the previously agreed terms and conditions, as stipulated in your supplier agreement, and therefore are not necessary within the individual invoice.
    • Payment details: Invoices will always be paid, based on the payment details that your customer has registered within its financial system. If you need these changed, then you should contact your customer directly. This does not mean that any payment details required to be present on an invoice by local legislation, as common in most countries, can be omitted.

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